Whale Tankers carry the full line of Stoneage Warthog Sewer Nozzles. The Warthog Sewer Nozzle has one of the highest satisfaction ratings by plumbers and contractors for cleaning laterals and smaller sewer lines. The WARTHOG line of tools are designed to be the most effective sewer cleaning tools on the market.
The Warthog® nozzles offer the ability to cut roots, clear grease, clear ice blockages, and remove hard mineral deposits with just one tool. However, as Whale Tankers is one of StoneAge’s biggest distributors, we can purchase Warthog® nozzles of any size, pressure or flow.
The Nozzle catogories will help you find the correct nozzle for your needs. The Stoneage Warthog sewer nozzle is regarded as especially useful in preparations for lining or rehab work. Warthog Nozzles are used by plumbers and municipal contractors to cut chain, roots, grease, blockages, and remove bottom sediment deposits.
We stock a large range of Warthog Jetting Nozzles, spares and accessories available for next day delivery.